ReSound Key ITC 312 Hearing Aids

Find out more about the features and compatible accessories for your ReSound Key ITC 312 hearing aids, designed to support mild to severe hearing loss. With a discreet in-the-canal design and advanced connectivity, these devices combine comfort and functionality for seamless everyday use.

Streaming TV Audio:

ReSound TV Streamer 2

Stream audio directly from your TV to your hearing aids for clear sound quality.

Wireless Neckloop Listener

Use with the loop programme (if fitted) for hands-free TV audio.

Improving Home Telephone Conversations:

ReSound Multi Microphone

Pair with a corded or cordless phone adaptor for improved call clarity.

Telecoil-Compatible Telephones

Use a ‘T’-compatible phone with the loop programme (if fitted) for enhanced sound.

Connecting with Your Mobile Phone:

Low Energy Bluetooth (LE)

Stream calls and audio directly from iPhone or Android devices using ASHA.

ReSound Phone Clip+

A hands-free option for non-LE devices.

Improving Conversations in Noisy Environments or Over Distance:

ReSound Micro Mic or Multi Mic: Stream speech directly to your hearing aids for improved clarity in noisy settings.

For Online Meetings and Gaming:

Low Energy Bluetooth (LE): Connect directly to your hearing aids for virtual meetings and gaming.

Phonak Roger On 3 with Multi Mic and Roger X: Use in headset mode for superior performance during digital interactions.

Maintaining your ITC aids properly will extend their lifespan and help them function optimally. Since these devices rest partially in your ear canal, this makes them susceptible to earwax, moisture, and dirt.

To clean your ITC hearing aids, use a soft brush to gently remove any wax or debris from the microphone ports, vents openings, and sound outlet. Replace the wax filters regularly to prevent blockages and maintain clear sound quality. Be careful not to push debris further into the device.

Store your hearing aids in a clean, dry case when not in use, and consider using a drying box or dehumidifier to eliminate moisture buildup.

GN ReSound Cerustop

Size 312 (Brown)

Remote Control 2

Simple Remote Control

Micro Mic

Multi Mic

TV Streamer 2

Phone Clip+