Phonak Nathos Nova M NHS Hearing Aids

The Phonak Nathos Nova M is an NHS-funded behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid designed for clear sound and speech understanding. With advanced technology it offers enhanced connectivity, features and amplifies the environment. See the best accessories and how to maintain them for longevity. 

This is Phonak Audeo P-R hearing aid

Streaming TV Audio:

Phonak TV Connector

Phonak Roger On 3 - Microphone Transmitter

This is Phonak Roger Select 3 compatible with your Audeo P-13T

Phonak Roger Select 3

Phonak Roger Table Mic 3

Stream Home Telephone Conversations:

Phonak Roger Phone Adapter

Phonak Roger On 3 - Microphone Transmitter

Phonak Roger Select 3

Use ‘T’ compatible corded or cordless telephone with your hearing aid on the loop (‘T’) programme.

Stream Mobile Phone Conversations:

Bluetooth Connectivity: Pair your smartphone via Bluetooth of your hearing devices for high quality audio streaming for calls, music, and videos.

Improving Conversations in Noisy Environments:

Phonak Roger Select 3

Phonak Roger Table Mic 3

Phonak Roger On 3 - Microphone Transmitter

Phonak Partner Mic

Join Virtual Meetings and Gaming:

Phonak Nathos Nova M hearing aids are behind-the-ear (BTE) models that require maintenance to ensure they perform well. Proper cleaning is essential, and regular care helps prevent earwax buildup, debris accumulation, and moisture damage, ensuring clear sound and a longer device lifespan. 

SlimTubes and Domes:

  • Detach the slim tube from the hearing aid and use a cleaning wire to clear any built-up debris.
  • Remove the dome and clean it using a specialised cleaning solution or a damp cloth. Ensure it is completely dry before reattaching it to the slim tube.

Ear Hook and Ear Mould

  • If using an ear mould, wash it with cleaning cup and cleaning tablet and allow it to dry fully before reconnecting it to the ear hook.
  • Wipe the ear hook gently with a soft, dry cloth to remove any oils or dirt.

Hearing Aid Body

  • Clean the main body of the hearing aid using wipes designed specifically for hearing aids.
  • Avoid using water or household cleaning products, as they may damage the device.


  • Store your hearing aid in a clean, dry case when not in use.
  • For extra protection, use a drying box or dehumidifier to remove moisture and prolong the lifespan of your device.