Phonak Audeo Infinio Sphere Hearing Aids
Your Phonak Audeo Infinio Sphere hearing aids offer advanced features designed to provide you with a seamless listening experience. Below, you’ll find an overview of key features and recommended accessories to help you make the most of your hearing aids:

Streaming TV Audio
For Home Telephone Conversations:
For Mobile Phone Conversations:
Bluetooth Connectivity: Connect your mobile phone directly to your hearing aids using Bluetooth for high-quality wireless audio streaming.
For Conversations in Noise or Over Distance:
For Online Meetings and Gaming:
Phonak Roger On 3: Use in headset mode to improve sound quality when participating in an online meeting or gaming session.
Charging Your Hearing Aids:
Phonak Audeo I-Sphere hearing aids are available in the RIC style, with the receiver sitting directly inside the ear canal. This design requires regular cleaning to make sure your aids continue to perform optimally:
Receiver and Domes:
- Detach the dome or ear mould (if removable) from the receiver.
- Use a specialised hearing aid cleaning cup filled two-thirds with warm water to soak the dome for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and dry completely before reattaching.
Hearing Aid Body
- Clean the behind-the-ear component of the hearing aid with hearing aid cleaning wipes. Avoid water or household cleaning solutions.
- Store your hearing aids in a clean, dry case when not in use. A drying box or dehumidifier can help remove moisture and extend their lifespan.
- Hearing Loss Type: Mild to profound
- Receivers: SDS 6.0 Receivers with SDS 4.0 Domes or MAV 6.0 Receivers with Universal/Titanium SlimTips
- Wireless Accessories: Compatible with TV Connector, PartnerMic, and Roger microphones
- Bluetooth: Classic Bluetooth 5.3 for universal connectivity
- Battery: Rechargeable
- Roger Compatibility: Yes, using RogerDirect
- App Support: myPhonak app for remote control and personalisation